Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent...
Someone once said you gotta celebrate the little victories because the big ones are so rare.
Today, as I do every year, I'm celebrating the end of January.
I'm fully aware that winter is nowhere near over. Still, once we get out of January, you can start to see the light. In a sense, we've bottomed out and are now coming up the other side.
For someone who hates winter as much as I do, that's a victory.
If that doesn't lift your spirits a little, maybe this will:
27 days until Spring Training...
Today, as I do every year, I'm celebrating the end of January.
I'm fully aware that winter is nowhere near over. Still, once we get out of January, you can start to see the light. In a sense, we've bottomed out and are now coming up the other side.
For someone who hates winter as much as I do, that's a victory.
If that doesn't lift your spirits a little, maybe this will:
27 days until Spring Training...
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Obat Penghilang Nyeri Pada Payudara
Pengobatan penyakit Meningioma
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Cara Menghilangkan Benjolan di Kepala
Perawatan Kesehatan Mata, at 9:05 PM
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