I Like The Episode Where All The Weird Stuff Happens
Watched the season finale of Lost tonight (I kinda had to – I moonlight at a TV station and it was on all the monitors). As I understand it, Jack the doctor guy had a flashback where he was in L.A. hopped up on Oxylimbaugh while back on the island he had a run-in with Ben, the creepy leader of the Others, who made Jack think he’d killed a bunch of his friends, only he didn’t, and Locke comes back from the dead (sorta) to almost shoot Jack, then Hurley the fat guy runs over a couple of people, and the English rockstar guy gets killed, and then the flashback became a flashforward where we learn that Jack is screwed up because he’s homesick for the island…
In the immortal words of Bull Shannon: oooooooooooooooooh-kay…
In the immortal words of Bull Shannon: oooooooooooooooooh-kay…
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